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three bottles of essential oils on a table with peacock feathers

IsaGoddessVibe Intention Oils

Contain Jojoba oil, Glycerin, and natural dry herbs for conjuring the intentions that you desire from the oils.

* Jojoba oil: Is a must add to your daily skin care routine giving your skin an amazing glowing appearance🌟 Regular application promotes natural collagen in the skin restoring elasticity of the skin and minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Its nutrients of vitamin E and B including chromium, copper, and zinc protects your skin from sun damage. It aids with excessive dry skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Most acne prone individuals tend to stay away from oils; however, Jojoba contains anti-microbial properties that can help cure acne. It contains iodine which is helpful in stopping bacterial growth that causes acne and pimples. It also deeply cleanses and removes toxins off the skin. Jojoba oil is a non-comedogenic making it an amazing substance that does not clog up your pores. It can also be used as a makeup removal.

* Glycerin - Creates a protective barrier on the skin to prevent water loss thus maintaining a water balance on the intercellular level and keeps the skin looking healthy and hydrated.

* Dry herbs - The dry herbs are used purely to conjure up intention while applying the oils onto your skin, hair or to simply manifest a spell of your kind. The herbs bring in the magic 🪄 into the mix of manifesting. Each herb holds its substance in activating the intention of what is desired. I recommend using affirmations while applying or chanting a spell while anointing an object of your kind for example a candle 🕯️or a beauty product like a lipstick 💄 to boost a glamorous or seductive appearance. Each oil coming soon will have its intentions as to what to use it for. Stay tune as each oil will hold its benefits on what you are desiring to attract into your life, let it be wealth, abundance, prosperity, internal healing, love, grace, elegance, empowerment and more.